To facilitate the permanent residency of qualified foreign caregivers in Canada, the Canada Caregiver Program has been developed
- 主申請人獲得的工簽是特定職業工作許可(occupation restricted),可以更換雇主。 工作地點可以選擇住在客人居所也可以是自己的居所
- 配偶可以同時獲批配偶工簽(開放性工作許可),未成年子女可以獲批學習簽證(高中及以下教育免費)
- 主申請人在獲得“特定職業工作許可”時,已經被評估過永久居民的申請資格;來加拿大工作滿2年之後可提交移民申請,半年即可獲批。 目前移民部給出的申請“特定職業工作許可”的審理時間為12個月
- 工作地點:老人院、康復中心、客人家居、自己家居
- 工作地區:各大省份的市內核心區域或偏遠區域
Three advantages of Caregiver immigration policy
- The work permit obtained by the main applicant is an occupation restricted work permit and can change employers. Work place can choose to live in the guest’s residence or their own residence.
- The spouse can be granted a spouse work permit at the same time (open work permit), and minor children can be granted a study visa (high school and below education is free).
- When the main applicant obtained the “Special Occupation Work Permit”, he has already been evaluated for eligibility for permanent residents; after two years of working in Canada, he can submit an immigration application, which will be approved within six months. The current processing time for the application for a “special occupational work permit” is 12 months.
- Work place: nursing home, rehabilitation center, guest home, home.
- Work area: the core or remote area of each major province.
- 加拿大的真實工作Offer
- 語言等級至少CLB 5(雅思 閱讀4.0,其他三項5.0)
- 至少1年的大專學歷
- 申請之前至少有6個月的全日制在校護理培訓(函授課程不算,但可列為經驗的一部分),包括護士培訓、幼師或幼教培訓,必須具有證書。或者,申請前3年內至少有12個月的帶薪全職護理工作,且必須受雇於同一個雇主至少6個月(日托中心、醫院、敬老院的護理經驗可以算,但須與在加拿大申請的工作相關)
New Caregiver immigration application conditions:
- Real Job Offer in Canada
- Language level is at least CLB 5 (IELTS reading 4.0, the other three 5.0)
- College degree of at least 1 year
- At least 6 months of full-time on-site nursing training before applying (correspondence courses are not counted, but can be included as part of the experience), including training for nurses, preschool teachers or preschool education, must have a certificate Alternatively, you must have paid full-time nursing work for at least 12 months in the 3 years prior to your application and must be employed by the same employer for at least 6 months Application related job).
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