關於188A 188B 188C 投資移民
打算移民澳洲,除可透過工作申請外 (技術移民189, 技術擔保移民190),亦可以用投資的方法繼而申請獲得永久居留權。若以澳洲投資移民簽證來說,分別為商業創新移民簽證(188A)及商業投資(188B) 及 188C重大投資者類別簽證。
- 持牌澳洲移民律師親手操刀每個申請細節
- 持牌澳洲審計師全程辦理公司財務審計
- 持牌資產評估師全程資產評估
- 全流程服務涵蓋材料準備、簽證申請、生意協助、永居申請等方面
- 生意經營期全程監控,財報、營業額、利潤、進出貨等全面滿足移民局要求
- 完善的增值服務涵蓋接送機、銀行開戶、子女入學等11項內容
- 配偶
- 子女:子女需滿足以下任一條件
- (1)年齡未滿18周歲
- (2)年齡在18周歲以上且未滿23周歲,但是基本生活需要依賴申請者
- (3)年齡在23周歲以上,且因生理局限或認知局限而無法獨立生活的孩子
- (4)滿足以上三種任意一種情況的領養子女
- 提出申請前已在澳洲居住滿4年,且四年內至少要有1年是PR身份
- 在澳居住4年期間內累計離開時間不超過1年,且在申請入籍的這 1年不能離開澳洲超過90天
- 在獲得PR前,以臨時居民身份在澳大利亞的居住時間受到認可,但累計不超過3年。獲得永久居民身份後,僅需居住一年便可申請入籍
- 瞭解澳大利亞公民的權利和義務,能夠說和理解基本英語
- 申請人須參加面試,用英語說出澳大利亞公民的義務和權利6 品行良好,無犯罪記錄
在澳洲居住的人們在家中最普遍使用的語言,根據人數多少排序,依次是英語(72.7%)、華語(2.5%), 阿拉伯語(1.4%),廣東話(1.2%),越南語(1.2%)以及義大利語(1.2%)。
- 無學歷和英語要求
- 辦理週期較短,最快4-6個月可以獲得臨時居留簽證(TR)
- 年齡55歲以下,有至少2年以上的管理經驗;
- EOI評分表中達到總分65分;
- 家庭資產達到125萬澳幣(包括房產);
- 過去4年中的2年,申請人公司營業額達到75萬澳幣;
- 公司股份至少持有30%以上;
- 要申請888A永居:未來在澳投資企業年營業額在30萬澳幣以上、在澳洲持續擁有的公司淨資產有至少 20 萬澳幣、在澳洲持續擁有的個人以及公司淨資產有至少 60 萬澳幣及公司持續僱用當地全職員工至少2名
Australia 188A- Business Innovation
The application for immigration is mainly based on the entrepreneur’s many years of business experience. As soon as 4-6 months, the whole family can get a 4-year temporary residence visa (TR), and then after setting up a business in Australia and successfully operating for 2 years, they can successfully apply for the permanent Australian resident of the family .
Advantages of Australia 188A:
- No academic qualifications and English required
- The processing cycle is short, and a temporary residence visa (TR) can be obtained as soon as 4-6 months
Australia 188A-Innovation Immigration Project Requirements
- Under 55 years of age with at least 2 years of management experience
- Reached a total of 65 points in the EOI score sheet
- Household assets of $ 800,000 (including real estate)
- The applicant company’s turnover has reached 500,000 Australian dollars in the past 2 years
- The company’s shares hold at least 30%
- In the future, if the annual turnover of an investment enterprise in Australia is less than AUD 400,000, it must hold more than 51% of the company’s shares; or if the annual turnover of an investment enterprise in Australia is more than AUD 400,000, it must hold more than 30% of the enterprise Shares.
澳洲 188B-創新類移民申請條件:
- 身體健康,無犯罪記錄
- 取得州政府擔保
- 主申請人年齡18-55歲,EOI評分在65分以上
- 主申請人至少擁有三年以上直接管理公司或者投資經驗
- 申請人在過去5年中有1年:持有生意裡10%以上股份
– 或250萬澳幣以上的合格投資 (新)
– 申請人(與其配偶)擁有250萬澳幣以上淨資產(新)
澳洲Subclass 188B-創新類移民申請流程:
- 獲得州政府擔保
- 主申請人需在澳洲居住滿2年以上
- 持續投資澳洲政府債券滿3年
- 申請人從未涉及不合法或不被認可的商業行為
- 主申請人承諾在政府指定投資期滿後仍然持續操作生意或進行投資管理 成為永居居民後,申請人每5年當中需要在澳洲累計居住2年時間
Australia 188B Investment Visa
- Good health, no criminal record
- Obtaining State Government Guarantee
- The main applicant is 18-55 years old and has an EOI score of 65 or higher
- The main applicant has at least three years of direct management company or investment experience
- Prior to obtaining a visa, the main applicant must invest $ 1.5 million in government-designated bonds
- Continue to own total assets of AUD 2.25 million in the 2 years prior to application
- 5 years before the application for at least 1 year, the main applicant manages an investment of more than AUD 1.5 million or owns more than 10% of the shares in a qualified company and participates in corporate management
Australian Subclass 188B-Innovation Immigration Application Process:
- Free consultation
- sign contract
- Preparing Files
- Submit an Intent Application
- Apply for and obtain a state government guarantee
- Submit an application formally
- Get file number
- Checkup
- Invest after obtaining proof of investment
- Obtaining a residence visa
- Landing in Australia
188B to 888 permanent residence requirements
After holding the 188B visa for 4 years, the applicant can become a permanent resident of Australia if the following conditions are met:
- Get State Government Guarantee
- The main applicant must have resided in Australia for more than 2 years in the 4 years before the application
- Continued investment in Australian government bonds for 4 years
- Applicants have never been involved in illegal or unrecognized business practices
- The main applicant promises to continue to conduct business or investment management after the government designated investment period has expired
- After becoming a permanent resident, the applicant needs to accumulate 2 years in Australia every 5 years
- 投資最少500萬澳元於指定投資者提供的項目(保本基金),並在澳洲持續進行商務及投資活動。
- 我們的投資顧問給你全面資訊選取理想投資組合達到賺息賺移民
- 把至少20%資金,即不少於100萬澳元用於風險資金投資
- 保證至少30%資金,即不少於1150萬澳元用於投資小型、微型資本項目
- 另外50%資金用於管理基金或上市投資公司的投資組合中作均衡投資
- 沒有年齡限制、語言或學歷要求
- 無需 EOI 評分審核
- 投資享有高度自主權,更低風險
- 快速審批
- 家人可陪同前往澳洲
- 可攜帶18歲以下子女,或18~23歲全職學生。
申請條件 :
- 擁有不少於500萬澳元的總資產
- 提供資金來源證明
- 投資 500萬澳元在澳洲核准的投資項目至少 3 年:
b)澳洲基金(由澳洲證券投資委員會 ASIC 管理)
c)澳洲私營企業(非上市公司) - 獲州政府擔保
- 有確切意願,承諾在澳洲開展新業務,或管理當地現有業務,並會在澳持續進行商務及投資活動。
188C Significant Investment Visa
The Australian Immigration Service has implemented an investment immigration policy of $ 5 million since November 24, 2012 to promote the Australian local economy. The main applicant must invest at least A $ 5 million in a government-defined project for a period of 4 years (and accumulate a total of 160 days of local residence in Australia) before applying for 888 permanent residence.
Project nature
- Invest at least A $ 5 million in project channels provided by designated investors and continue to conduct business and investment activities in Australia.
- Our investment consultants give you comprehensive information to choose the ideal portfolio to achieve interest earning and immigration
- Use at least 20% of the funds, for venture capital investments;
- Guarantee at least 30% of the funds in small and micro capital projects.
- 50% of funds are used to balance investment
Program features
- No age restrictions, language or education requirements
- No EOI score review required
- Investment enjoys high autonomy and lower risk
- Fast approval
- Family can accompany you to Australia
- Can bring children under 18 years old, or full-time students 18 to 23 years old.
Application conditions
- Has total assets of no less than AUD 5 million
- Provide proof of funding source
- Invest $ 5 million in approved investment projects in Australia for at least 3 years:
a) Government bonds
b) Australian Fund (managed by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission ASIC)
c) Australian private companies (unlisted companies)
Guaranteed by state government - Have the exact will to commit to launch new business or manage existing local business in Australia, and continue to carry out business and investment activities in Australia.
- 55 歲以內
- 英語能力雅思IELTS 四個6
- 在澳洲開展商業活動並佔有30%以上的股份
- 持續開展商業活動的真實意願
- 在本身的公司無最少股份要求,也無企業營業額的要求
- 沒有家庭凈資產要求
- 年齡要求:主申請人年齡55周歲以下,子女年齡22周歲以下(18周歲以上需提供全日制在讀證明)
- 資產要求:夫妻擁有不少於150萬澳幣淨資產,其中企業中的淨資產超過40萬澳幣。
- 持股要求:夫妻合併持股30%以上股份,滿2年
- 營業額要求:過去四個財年內至少有兩個財年,公司年營業額達到300萬澳幣,投資至少100萬澳幣到澳洲指定企業。
- 1. 在獲得簽證後,投資100萬-150萬澳元到澳大利亞州指定項目。Globalhome 特選澳洲政府合作項目,穩健可靠
- 根據被投資公司目前現有財產審計,100萬澳元,等同於公司整體股份的3%
- 申請人的投資年限是三年
- 申請人可以不在澳洲,遙控管理
- 在獲得簽證後,在申請人自己的個人帳戶裡,儲存100萬澳元
- 聯邦政府機構;
- 州/領地政府;
- 政府資助的研究機構;
- 風險資本有限合夥公司;或
- 早期風險資本有限合夥公司;以及
- 42所澳大利亞大學之一;
- 註冊為創業投資有限夥伴關係(VCLP)或早期階段投資有限夥伴關係(ESVCLP)的投資者
2. 投資必須用於其實階段公司,產品商業化,或給予高價值經營理念的商業開發
3. 申請人須與投資公司簽署正式的投資協議
或 Wechat: ibosscs